Will The Time Come That The UK Is Powered By 100% Renewable Energy – Is This Even Achievable?
This means no natural gas, no oil, and no coal.
As the name suggests, all of our energy has to come from renewables.
This would mean a major boost for solar, wind, and hydropower.
But also, there would be a complete transformation of how the country works.
We would have to make major changes to our infrastructure for key essentials such as food and transport.
The energy makeup of a 100% renewable UK needs to meet the demands of a country with a growing population.
And solar has a big part to play.
Due to the energy crisis and other rising costs, businesses are looking at all options and solar is soaring in demand.
Fully electric buses and trains are key to a 100% renewable UK — and we’re already making good progress.
Electric vehicles are another growth area, but they require a more reliable charging network.
This is all achievable – with the private sector massively leading the way.
It’s clear that a 100% renewable UK is a challenging target, but it’s absolutely one we must hit if the worst effects of climate change are to be avoided.
Taking a leading role will encourage those countries that are further back in this evolution.
The biggest benefit would see us be completely energy independent.
Major Work Ahead
This would stop our vulnerability to massive hikes in the price of gas supplies, or petrol fluctuations because of overseas conflict, or profit taking decisions.
100% renewable energy – is this even achievable?
It’s clear that major work is needed for this to happen, but the advantages far outweigh the difficulties that will be encountered.
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